To be a kid again

Recently I was sick, a virus that hung on and morphed into bronchitis. What I have noticed about being sick like this as an adult, you don’t rebound from even a common cold like you do when you are young. Little kids can be sick, with a fever and every symptom known to man, take a dose of medication, a nap and they are good as new. I’ve determined for every sick day, it takes at least two days to recover…I’m still working on my recovery nearly 2 weeks in.

This got me thinking about the other things about being a kid that, in the moment, we take for granted but as adults we would love. Naps, kids HATE naps, fight naps and long for the day when they are no longer required to nap. I for one would LOVE to have nap time every day. A break to rest and recharge, my guess is my old ass wouldn’t be struggling to say up for the evening news if that was the case.

Next up: food. Sure, I could pay someone to plan and prepare my meals, but that is not realistic to the majority of us. Often kids complain about that is prepared for them, three meals a days, plus snacks, with no though or effort on their part. Half the time I skip breakfast simply because I run out of time while trying to get ready for work and leave the house on time. The “what’s for dinner” question is beyond dreaded for me at times. I go through phases when I do weekly meal planning and shop accordingly to ensure all the items needed are in the house. Yes, those weeks go much smoother and I know that is what I should do, but life happens and sometimes that planning just doesn’t happen.

Bills & Work. As a kid I woke up in my room, in my comfy bed. I was fortunate to never worry about where I would sleep or if the power would be on. Most kids are like I was and take those things for granted. Not having to work, to have everything you need or want provided for you. Being an adult, unless independently wealthy or a lottery winner (neither which apply to me), you must get a job to earn the money to provide all of that for yourself and often, others in your family. What a crock! I want to go back to having it all with no pressure to provide for it. I want to go back to the days when school was my ‘job’. I took for granted the benefit of experts sharing their knowledge with me and teaching me something new everyday. Back then I hated to spend my hours learning and reading, now I complain about having no time to simply read a “real book” and taking a class is a luxury and  expense I can’t afford right now.

Time with friends. As a kid you spend your days with your friends in school and playing after. Roller skating or the mall, maybe even a sleepover. Life was great. As adults, often your friends are spread across the country or even the world. We keep in touch via social media or the occasional get together. Even spending time with your local friends is tough with work and family obligations what used to planned in passing after class now required months of planning ahead to ensure schedules or child care are covered.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and short of that winning lottery ticket, there isn’t much I would change, but there are times that I think about how nice the freedom of youth would be…and a nap.  But on the upside, being able to drink wine and eat ice cream for dinner is a pretty nice trade-off.

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